Producers' organization

Producers' organization

Producer organizations are officially recognized bodies set up by producers in the fisheries or aquaculture sectors. They deal with the day-to-day management of fishing and play an essential role in the functioning of the common fisheries policy and the common organization of the markets, such as:

  • guiding producers towards sustainable fishing and aquaculture, in particular by implementing collective management of their members' activities
  • helping them reconcile supply and demand
  • offering them support in improving their value.
There are currently more than 200 producer organizations in the European Union. To achieve the objectives of the common organization of the markets, they can take measures to channel the supply and marketing of their members' products, promote products through certification regimes, quality labels, geographical indications, etc. They can also recommend vocational training and the use of information technology and help reduce the environmental impact of their members' fishing and aquaculture activities.
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