Communication and events strategy

Communication and events strategy

The communication and Activity strategy (CES) is the main instrument enabling active participation of different interested parties, organizations and institutions, for the FLAG during the operational phases of promotion/public tendering, implementation, surveillance and evaluation of the activities. It is defined in accordance with what is suggested by the FARNET network and is decided according to the different targets. These include: the various interested parties (individual operators, companies, consortia, producer organizations, fishermen associations and breeders, etc.), potential recipients, actual recipients, bodies and institutions, non-governmental organizations, the local community, the national and international FLAG communities.
Furthermore, the CES is designed to help create and support the community in the development of FLAG projects, and therefore create a sense of interest, belonging and participation with the initiatives.
The objectives of the CES are united, in particular, their purpose is to favour:

  • The development and preparation of advertising activities and materials for the distribution of information relating to the initiatives, activities and proposed projects, implemented and concluded by the FLAG;
  • Access to FLAG documents and information on the FLAG;
  • The widest possible participation to the public tenders by providing information for candidates and technical assistance to the interested companies/bodies;
  • The stimulation of ideas and proposals, encouraging the participation of workers, organizations and institutions in the formation of a shared knowledge base;
  • Transparency and control of technical-administrative procedures;
  • The development of synergies in the territory also in different economic sectors (eg tourism);
  • The development of collaboration with other FLAGs in the Adriatic and at community level;
  • The development of partnerships for the purpose of participating in national/international projects that increase the range of action of FLAG activities;
  • The circulation of information/news related to activities that are in progress relating to aquaculture and fishing at a local level, in particular in the upper Adriatic.

These objectives will be achieved using a variety of instruments, including innovative ones, that favour communication and activities, such as the implementation of a dedicated website, social media, press releases, public meetings, creation of work groups, conferences, publication of information material, events and the development of activities in the territory.
Regarding the latter, Projects and communication activities will be integrated, presenting some specific objectives:

  • Raise awareness in workers, interested parties, institutions, etc. in relation to the strategic objectives of the FLAG and the proposed project actions;
  • Encourage broader informed participation for public tenders;
  • Provide technical assistance to the candidates during preparation of project proposals and also, for the recipients of funding, during the implementation of the measures and preparation of the final reports for the subsequent evaluation of the planned objectives;
  • Support candidates who do not receive funding by suggesting alternative sources of funding, where possible;
  • Support the participation of interested parties in the activities of the FLAG, also by sharing know-how and preparation of proposals that can attract funding outside of the activities envisaged by the PdA, eg. collaboration mechanisms, or projects involving multiple partners. In this sense, two specific work groups will be created, related to the "development of innovation in the fields of fishing and aquaculture" and to the "development of alternative fisheries management systems".
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