The territory of the FLAG CAG Chioggia Po Delta covers 3.37% of the Veneto Region
Chioggia (VE) 185,22 KMQ
Rosolina (RO) 73,12 KMQ
Porto Viro (RO) 133,33 KMQ
Porto Tolle (RO) 227,62 KMQ
Source: processing of Agriteco on data (2010) Sistar (Veneto Region), CCIA of Venice, CCIA of Rovigo and Urbistat.
there are just over 80,000 inhabitants, equal to about 1.6% of the overall regional population.
Chioggia (VE) 50.674 inhabitants
Rosolina (RO) 6.511 inhabitants
Porto Viro (RO) 14.761 inhabitants
Porto Tolle (RO) 10.131 inhabitants