Consortia and cooperatives are autonomous associations of workers and workers who unite voluntarily: they are based on the values of self-help, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity and the members stand out for their ethical values of honesty, transparency , social responsibility and attention to others.
The cooperatives are widely distributed throughout the region and represent the heritage of agriculture, agribusiness and Veneto fisheries.
Traceability, quality and food safety have always been the prerogative of these cooperative sectors, the purpose of which is to value the product supplied by their partners: this, combined with the high percentage of reciprocity which has an average value of around 80 %, are the winning choices of agribusiness and fisheries cooperation.
In our territory we have some large cooperatives, fruit of the aggregation process which is born of cooperation over the years, which demonstrates a good, export-orientated, organizational structure, which invests in innovation, commercial organization and image, paying careful attention to the market, but always with the ultimate goal of maximizing the value of the members' product.
Alongside these structures there are the smaller cooperatives that transform and market high percentages of their product through direct sales channels, focusing on local markets with typical high quality products.